Blog — SIDS

Weighted blankets – are not safe for babies and young children

Weighted blankets – are not safe for babies and young children

Weighted blankets are also called ‘calming’ or ‘sensory’ blankets and are often marketed as a sleep aid for babies and young children. Advertisers claim weighted blankets assist the child to go to sleep because they boost a sense of security and help them to calm. However, there is no evidence or proof that any of these claims are accurate. In fact, weighted blankets can be very unsafe and tragically, there have been babies and children who have died when being covered by a weighted blanket during their sleep.
Respecting cultural sensitivity and babies’ sleep

Respecting cultural sensitivity and babies’ sleep

As carers and educators in the early childhood space, it’s important to appreciate that every parent, child and family are unique.  And at the risk of stating the obvious, every child in your care is precious and deserves to receive the safest, most secure care.
Sleep Tip 2 - Safe Sleep & Settling

Sleep Tip 2 - Safe Sleep & Settling

For most parents we know that safe sleeping is always an area that is top of mind. It is so important to understand and follow safe sleeping guidel...
Sleep and Settling Advice from a Qualified Baby Sleep Expert

Sleep and Settling Advice from a Qualified Baby Sleep Expert

Here are some uncomplicated things to think about when you are given ‘advice’. Does it sound sensible? Does it respect the experience of both the parents and the individual baby?